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September Pastor's Note

It's September, and our lives are about to get a lot busier! As the boys get older, there are more opportunities for them to sign up for activities to explore, expand, and deepen their growing interests. We've had frequent conversations about what they would like to do, as well as how those activities would fit within our family schedule and overall rhythm of life. They are learning to say no to some things they would like to do, in order to be able to say yes to others. The balance is different for each of them, but the practice is one that will serve them for their whole lives. They are practicing discernment, learning about setting boundaries, and committing to good activities beyond themselves, which also bring them into community with others.

This month I want to draw your attention to the invitation from the Matthew 25 Team, below. Over the next few weeks, consider how you are feeling called to participate in the life of the church and outreach into the community. Maybe the group doesn't yet exist here, and you might be the one to issue the invitation to the church. Do you feel called to strengthen our connection with the work of the Friendly City Safe Space? Maybe you need more opportunity for play and connection, and you'd like to start gathering regularly to play games. Maybe you'd like to find ways to support neighborhood families, or explore forming a neighboring group through Bridge of Hope. Maybe you'd like to join the digital ministry team and support our regular live streams and other events. How is God calling you?

Grace and peace,



Matthew 25:34-40  The king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,  I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’  

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave you something to drink?  And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’  And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’ 

Are you feeling God is calling you to do something about a need you see in your community or the world?  Perhaps to develop something new?  Or perhaps to join in with already established groups in our community such as Open Doors, Habitat for Humanity, Pleasant View, or Mercy House? 

Trinity has a history of responding to these needs and to supporting members and friends as they live out their calls.  One way we do this is through House Churches and Marks Groups – small groups of people who feel called to a specific mission and gather together to help meet those needs.  Both House Churches and Marks Groups are called by Christ and recognize themselves as part of the body of Christ.  Both House Churches and Marks Groups are typically called around a specific mission, a ministry that may meet Trinity’s needs, but often extends beyond our own congregation.  These ministries may be corporate and/or face-to-face.  

On September 22, Trinity will celebrate our desire to respond to God’s call for House Churches and Marks Groups during worship.  Anyone can make a call – member, friend, or community person. If YOU are feeling God talking to you, but are not sure how to respond, please contact any members of the Matthew 25 Team.   We are here to support you!

House Churches incorporate all four marks of the church:  mission, worship, nurture, and fellowship.  Members support each other and help strengthen their mission by worshiping, studying (nurture), and building close fellowship together. The relative emphasis among the four marks is determined by each house church, with guidance and approval by the Session.

Marks Groups are called around at least one of the four marks of the church—mission, worship, nurture, and fellowship.  They differ from Trinity committees or teams, but may expand or complement their work and may focus on either internal or external/outreach needs.  Marks Group calls may be limited to a short-term window (weeks or months); however, they could continue over a longer season and may be recalled annually.

Here are the links to the full guidelines for House Churches and Marks Groups.

Recent House Churches include Sanctuary supporting refugees and others who are new to our country.  A recent Marks Group is Hearts and Hands, which gifts those in need of love and support with prayer shawls and other attention to let them know they are loved.


Yours in Christ,

The Matthew 25 Team:  Nancy Hopkins-Garriss, Linda Bradley, Rick Comstock, Gloria Comstock, Mark Dewey, Norie Smith

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