Exploring trinity
Welcome! We're glad you're here and interested in learning more about Trinity. We look forward to getting to know you!
Since our founding in 1963, Trinity has been a community of explorers of all kinds - explorers in faith, in God's calling, in life, and in community. Our "Explorers' Class" has changed a bit over the years. What began as a year-long journey of exploration has evolved over the years, but the aims remain the same: to introduce those interested in learning more about Trinity or joining as a member to the basics of our Reformed Presbyterian faith and the ways it is lived out in our particular faith community. It's an opportunity to get to know others who are also exploring, and while the option to join as a member is always open, it is not our assumption that everyone will feel called to do so, or feel called to do so right away. We have some who have been part of our community for years without having officially joined, and that's ok! We have some who complete the Explorers' class but wait a few months or even years to join, and that's ok! No matter where you are in your own faith journey or search for a church home, you are invited to Explore with us. If you would like to sign up for the next round of classes, please contact us.

You can learn more about Trinity by browsing through our website, and we especially encourage you to check out the following pages:
What is God saying to Trinity today? - this document has been foundational for us over the years, and it continues to challenge us as we discern God's calling to the church today.
Our Welcome statement - Trinity is an inclusive community. While most churches will say that "all are welcome," we live that out in specific commitments, which you can read more about here.
Current Ministry Groups - House Churches have been the primary way of carrying out ministry at Trinity over the years, and we recently added Marks Groups as an alternative way of being involved. Each fall we have an opportunity for anyone in the community to issue a "call" for one of these. Current ministry groups can be found on this page.
Our Facebook page is a central place for us to share events, news, and our live-streaming worship each Sunday morning.
Explorers' Class information and links can be found on this page, for those currently in the class.
As always, reach out to us with any questions!