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Nurture refers to the ways that we learn and grow together. This includes what some call Christian Education, Spiritual Formation, and Sunday School - and more. At Trinity, we welcome the questions and challenges that faith stirs within us. Our Nurture offerings vary throughout the year. If you have any interest in learning or leading, we welcome your gifts and your curiosity!

Check out our current Adult nurture series

In preparation for David’s workshop, we will have a four-week class following worship and fellowship, at the church house. If you would like the church to order a copy of David’s you can order the book directly from David: Amazon and other retailers also carry the book, or if you’d like to purchase it locally, Parentheses can place orders for it by request.

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Ministry with Children
and their Families

Trinity values intergenerational learning and activities, and many will begin to participate in church activities and leadership from a young age. Children and their families have participated together in house church and marks groups, and our youth and younger adults serve on church teams, help to plan and lead worship, work on our tech team, and share their unique gifts in many ways, as full partners in the work of the church.


If you plan to join us in worship, know that children of all ages are welcome at Trinity, just as they are - wiggles, giggles, and all. We have a “Prayground” near the front of the church, with books and quiet activities for younger ones to have more space to wiggle and be comfortable during the service. Our nursery is also open during the service, with worship streaming into the adjacent Commons. Worship bags are available with crayons, paper, and other items for those who learn better when their hands are occupied.


Recognizing that bodies and minds learn differently, our Centering Space rooms are open upstairs, with worship livestream playing, and more hands-on activities that can enhance learning for elementary ages and older. Church volunteers will be available to supervise and assist as needed. 


There are many ways Trinity extends our ministry to children and families throughout our community. For those joining us more regularly in worship, we adapt our offerings to the particular needs. “Sunday school” for younger disciples happens on the fourth Sunday of the month following worship. Through activities and conversation, younger disciples can better explore the stories we’ve been hearing in worship throughout the month.


Our goal is for all children to know that they are beloved children of God, just as they are, and that there is a whole church community that loves and supports them. Our Pastor, Stephanie, values that support for her own elementary school-aged children. Kim, our Associate for Pastoral Care, has a special interest in nurturing the spiritual lives of children and families. For more information, contact Stephanie, Kim, or the church office.

Watch our Past offerings playlist

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