Stephanie Sorge

Her Story
Having grown up in the church as the daughter and granddaughter of pastors, Stephanie never imagined that she, too, would be called into ministry. She has since learned, and is continually reminded, never to say "never" when it comes to the ways in which God moves in our lives.
As a philosophy major at Kenyon College, Stephanie specialized in asking questions. As a religious studies minor, she learned that she was in good company with her questions arising from faith and doubt. Thoroughly equipped to be dissatisfied with the status quo, her first career after college was in social change activism. For four years, Stephanie worked in Massachusetts with the State Public Interest Research Groups and related organizations in a variety of capacities, including organizing with college students and non-profit administration. Though she loved her work and colleagues, she also began to experience a sense that she was being pulled to something different. That pull brought her to Louisville Seminary, where she eventually came to recognize and embrace, with fear and trembling, God's call to ministry.
Stephanie served congregations in Kentucky and North Carolina prior to being called to Trinity. Her work in presbyteries and with the General Assembly has often focused on challenges, changing contexts, and new ways of doing ministry and living into our call as followers of Jesus Christ. She has enjoyed writing for various audiences, including readers of Fidelia, The Present Word, Being Reformed, and These Days. She is grateful to serve the wonderful pilgrim people of Trinity in a shared journey of spiritual growth and service and outreach to the community and beyond.
Stephanie lives in Harrisonburg with her husband Will, a freelance web developer, and three boys - two of the human variety, and one canine.
You can reach Stephanie by email: stephanie@trinitypresbyterianharrisonburg.org
Or call the church office at: 540-434-9556
Stephanie observes her Sabbath on Fridays, but is generally available Monday through Thursday for appointments in the office.